awakebutstillinbed release new EP ‘stay who you are’ (listen)

Andrew Sacher

awakebutstillinbed recently released their first new original song in nearly three years, "leave," for Chillwavve Records' '12 Days of Chillmas' series, and today on Christmas day, they surprise-released a new EP, stay who you are, featuring "leave" and two other new songs that were "written & recorded during the covid-19 pandemic that don't fit on any of our other upcoming releases," "beauty" and "mirror." Like "leave," "mirror" is a quiet, stripped-back emo song, but "beauty" is a full-band song that finds Shannon Taylor delivering the same kind of scream-singing that made awakebutstillinbed's debut album so distinct and memorable. The whole EP is great, as you can hear for yourself by streaming it below.

Cassettes are available via Acrobat Unstable. EP credits below too.


songs by shannon. arrangements by shannon with help from brendan.

the following people contributed to this release:

ally garcia – bass
brendan gibson – guitar, synth
jpegstripes – drums, synth, piano
cat egbert – drums
jason hallyburton – drums
shannon taylor – guitar, bass, vocals

recorded in shannon's house, the twins' house, the art boutiki and ally's basement in december 2020. art by simona morales. mixed/mastered/produced by jason hallyburton. additional production by kyle gibson. special thanks to jpegstripes and cat for their features, to chillwavve for inspiring me to write "leave" for their christmas comp, as well as martin and eric for helping us with this release. thanks to everyone who has ever supported this project, love you all, thanks for listening.

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